To provide internationally certified training to law enforcement agencies and the public; those who are licensed, permitted and of good repute.
To develop and provide educational opportunities for members and the general public on crime prevention, S.A.F.E community & personal safety, with international accredited certification courses and programs.
To create and provide national training standards in the licensing, safe handling and efficient use of firearms. Partnering with all law enforcement agencies.
To foster the development of shooting sports at a national & international level, promoting fellowship and good sportsmanship, while keeping safety paramount in the pursuit of all these activities.
To partner with government agencies to promote a sustainable game hunting culture in The Bahamas; hunter safety, hunting as a shooting sport and as a viable and necessary method of fostering the propagation, growth, conservation, and wise use of our renewable wildlife resources.
To certify safe venues for shooting sports and activities.
To promote firearm safety knowledge, law and responsibility to all licensed firearms owners.
To create a platform for members and their families to receive assistance and guidance in order to increase their Proficiency Levels with the Safe & Responsible owning of Firearms.
To ensure there are equal opportunities for members of previously disadvantaged communities.
To provide a World Class Facility, that is well maintained with a High Standard of Housekeeping & Safety.
To project a Professional Image and create a Reputable Brand on a Local and National level.