The National Firearms Association Bahamas (NFAB) working daily for the rights of law abiding Bahamian citizens and residents. Our advocacy and firearms rights lobbying is for the benefit of all in the Bahamas. From lobbying for updates and revisions to the firearms act and penal code to policies on how law abiding Bahamian citizens and business owners are treated by government and law enforcement as it relates to firearms. We advocate to swing the legal balance in favor of the law abiding citizen rather than the criminal element.
What have we been doing?
Courtesy Call | National Security Minister

As part of its public relations tour, the Executive Board of NationalFirearms Association Bahamas paid a courtesy call to the Minister of National Security, Hon. Wayne Munroe, QC, MP on Friday January 7, 2022, to discuss the mission, vision, and objectives of the Association.
President of NFA Bahamas, Malvin Gordon said, “Our main goal and objective of the organization is to make training and certification accessible for both civilians and law enforcement. We wish to create and promote an outlet for firearms enthusiasts by elevating sports shooting and hunting in our country.”
Courtesy Call | Attorney General

As part of its public relations tour, the Executive Board of NationalFirearms Association (NFA) paid a courtesy call to the Attorney General, Hon. Ryan Pinder, QC Thursday, March 3, 2022, to discuss the mission, vision, and objectives of the Association.
President of NFA Bahamas, Malvin Gordon said, “Our main goal and objective of the organization is to make training and international accredited certification accessible for both civilians and law enforcement. We wish to create and promote an outlet for licensed firearmsowners by elevating safety, knowledge, sports shooting and hunting in our country that can create many job opportunities and a high income industry in the The Bahamas. While working with government, lobbying for changes to local laws that better provide and protectthe law abiding citizens in the The Bahamas.”
Courtesy Call | R.B.P.F - S.E.L.T

As part of its public relations tour, The Executive Board of the National Firearms Association (NFA) continued its public relations tour on Friday, July 15, 2022, with a courtesy call to the nation’s top brass, Commissioner of Police, Clayton Fernander and his senior executive leadership team. The courtesy call outlined the NFA’s mission, vision, and objectives of the Association.
President of NFA Bahamas, Malvin Gordon said, “Our main goal and objective is to make proper training and certification accessible for all Bahamians. It is our goal to partner with law enforcement to assist in creating and fostering a safer Bahamas.”
Courtesy Call | Immigration
Paid a courtesy call to the Keith Bell MP Minister of Labour & Immigration Wednesday, July 27th, 2022, to discuss the mission, vision, and objectives of the Association. We had lengthy conversations and exchange of information on our training initiative that immigration can take advantage of, as well as our civilian crime prevention training initiatives.
BahWen Training
The president and select team members also met with Desiree Corneille, lead for BahWEN, Bahamas Wildlife Enforcement Network. We discussed the mission, vision, and objectives of the Association and how the Association can assist with some of the goals if BahWEN, providing information on hunting etc. The entire board has also signed up for the warden program and pledge to support BahWEN and all its efforts.
Proposed Changes to Legislation
The National Firearms Association Bahamas (NFAB) has reviewed laws, legislation, statutes and acts in the Caribbean, Canada, U.K and USA, and has presented a document to the AG office for review. This document contains propose changes to the firearms acts and the penal codes to promote the rights, safety and protections for the law abiding Bahamian citizen. We will continue to work with the AG office and the National Security Ministry for change.
Training & Standards
The National Firearms Association Bahamas (NFAB) has created firearms training and standards that surpass those of any other country for civilian training, to be adopted by government at a National Training Standard. We have proposed this to government in an effort for government to have more confidence in it's law abiding citizens as it relates to firearms licensing.
Range & Training Facility
The National Firearms Association Bahamas (NFAB) in partnership with Paratus Tactical has designed and developed a public safety training facility to be a modern multi-use fully inclusive facility, for multiple training platforms to adopt all training scenarios for civilians and law enforcement. This facility is designed to support highly realistic and unconstrained training beyond limitations, and also supports day or night training. We are working to raise funding to build and get governments support for this much needed training facility.
Lobbying & ADVOCACY

We, the undersigned, petition the government of the Bahamas to introduce this law to give homeowners clear rights that guarantee they will not be prosecuted or subject to civil action for protecting themselves, their loved ones or their property from burglars, home invasion and persons seeking to harm. A Castle Doctrine law designates a person's place of residence as a place in which he or she enjoys protection and the right to defend themselves from illegal trespassing and violent attack. It then goes on to give that person the legal right to use deadly force to defend that place and any other innocent persons legally inside it, from violent attack or an intrusion which may lead to violent attack. In a legal context, use of deadly force by ANY means, which actually results in the death of an intruder/attacker is nearly always classed as self defence under the Castle Doctrine. The Castle Doctrine would give homeowners a clear legal definition of what is acceptable, and would swing the legal balance to favor the homeowner rather than the criminal.
This is a petition for the government of the Bahamas to change & update firearms laws that protect the law-abiding citizen of the Bahamas, who follow the law, was vetted and received a firearms license. Bahamian citizens are constantly victimized by authorities for policies that keep the law-abiding citizen at risk and vulnerable to the criminal element.
Law abiding citizens, with a LICENSED FIREARM; without fear of harassment and victimization by law enforcement, should be able to;
Use their LICENSED FIREARM for home defense and protection of their businesses.
A National Firearms Certification should be established for proper civilian firearms training. Once civilians complete and pass certification, they should qualify to receive a LICENSED PISTOL once vetted and approved.